Flower Dots are a simplified planting experience intended to introduce a larger audience to the experience of growing flowers.
Designed in collaboration with a graphic design firm, the tubes feature bold graphics and clear instructions on how, where, and when to plant bulbs. The instructions encourage various in-ground arrangements making participation in landscape design accessible and hands-on.
Flower Dots are for everyone. Dots can be planted in a pot on a balcony or as a part of a large layered bed.
Photos by Ashton Design & Moody Graham Landscape Architecture
How does a landscape
architecture firm grow an idea?
Flower Dots began as an autum gift to clients and collaborators. In the first year, five varieties of bulbs were selected, each presented in a unique package. Daffodils, tulips and alliums were chosen.
In the second iteration, Flower Dots expanded to include more species and curated pairings. Additionally, a special edition was designed for children.
Flower Dots continue to be distributed as gifts to clients, architects, and other collaborators. This low-cost way to encourage the act of planting holds potential. Plans to expand the collection and to reach an even broader audience are underway.
Year 1
Year 2
Tulipa batalini Bright Gem & Anemone blanda Windflower Mixture
Narcissus Sunlight Sensation & Muscari sp. The Magical Muscari Mixture
Muscari aucheri Blue Magic & Tulipa greigii Pinocchio
Allium Globemaster & Anemone blanda Pink Star
Plant & Bloom!
"...we are human in good part
because of the particular way we
affiliate with other organisms…
To the extent that each person
can feel like a naturalist, the old
excitement of the untrammeled
world will be regained…Splendor
awaits in minute proportions."
- E.O. Wilson, Biophilia
communications & research
Ashton Design
Clients and collaborators of Moody Graham Landscape Architecture
December 2017
Washington D.C.
609 H Street NE
Suite 600
Washington, DC 20002
(202) 543-1286
1318 H Street NE
Washington, DC 20002
(202) 543-1286
Moody Graham Landscape Architecture
Copyright 2022. All rights reserved.
Moody Graham Landscape Architecture
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